Calella Sport City Lab hosts a training session for coaches of the Calella Football Club

This session marks the beginning of the Calella Sport City Lab’s professional accompaniment activities, with courses and training aimed at companies, entrepreneurs and sports clubs.

On Friday, April 9, the Creu Groga Foundation gave a training session for coaches to the Calella Football Club, on the second floor of the Calella Sport City Lab headquarters. This training is based on the PRPS methodology, the Personal Responsibility Program and Social, a program that uses sport for the positive development of children and young people.

The Calella Football Club coaches were able to train in this methodology that poses sport not as an objective in itself, but as a tool to develop good people as well as good athletes. The program is designed with the purpose that children and teenagers at risk could have experiences that may help to develop their personal and social capacities, life skills, in a safe environment and with competent adults. It has four basic principles: winning is defined in terms of giving your best effort and improving; you have to create a positive atmosphere; athletes must be given power and voice; and you have to focus on the strengths of each athlete.

Calella Sport City Lab collaborates with public and private entities with the aim of being a benchmark for innovation and sports entrepreneurship, adding value to the citizens and sports clubs of Calella through the synergy between companies, athletes and sports organizations.

The Calella Sport City Lab is part of the Mataró-Maresme Specialization and Territorial Competitiveness Project (PECT), which began in May 2018 and which also includes the Reimagine Textile strategy, led by Eurecat and the TecnoCampus Mataró. The PECT Mataró-Maresme is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Catalonia 2014-2020 and co-financed by the Barcelona Provincial Council.

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