IRONMAN Barcelona Calella, Calella cities first official experience as a Sport City Lab (2018)

The sportswear incorporates integrated sensors and electronics to measure heart rate and other parameters.

Eurecat and HOKO participated for the first time in the IRONMAN of Barcelona, considered the third most important in the European calendar, to check the functionality of Eurecat technology integrated into sportswear which, in this case, will measure heart rate , as well as other vital constants.

The initiative is part of the Specialization and Territorial Competitiveness Project (PECT) of Mataró-Maresme, which includes the Reimagine Textile strategy, led by Eurecat and the TecnoCampus of Mataró, and Calella Sport City Lab, an operation driven by the City Council of Calella in order for the municipality to become a test bench for all solutions related to sport, taking advantage of the fact that it hosts an important calendar of high-level sports competitions, as is the case of the IRONMAN.

The eHealth unit researcher and experienced triathlete Stefan Dawalder was in charge of testing both the jumpsuit response and the integration and operation of the device.

The mayor of Calella, Montserrat Candini, valued this first official experience in a very positive way:“Both Eurocat and HOKO participated for the first time in the IRONMAN of Barcelona with an intelligent triathlon jumpsuit that controls vital constants. As such, at Calella Sport City Lab we combine sport and research”.

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